For many years I maintained a blog with a singular purpose – sharing my passion for technology! If we've met in person, you've probably suffered my techno-babble at one time or another. I can't stop exploring new technologies and how they might constructively apply to the world around me. This characteristic led my wife to create the "two sentences" rule. Explain your thesis in 2 sentences, so your audience can decide whether to opt-in to a deeper dialog.
In 2018 I plan to resurrect my blog with more frequent musings, ideas and aspirations. From a personal goal, I hope this helps me solidify my personal brand and voice. The shear discipline and repetition of capturing these thoughts should hone my perspectives, and might even spare folks my two sentences.
Here are a few of the topics I'm already planning to spend some time exploring:
- AWS and server-less development,
- Building a Magic Mirror,
- Cryptocurrency,
- Developing a Disney app,
- Electric vehicles,
- And many more.